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about me!

First and foremost, I am a cookbook addict. I love to cook and bake equally. This blog is an account of recipes that I am making from the numerous books that I own with a few extra recipes thrown in that I find elsewhere; and I have my lovely daughter to thank for the inspiration. I only wish that I had her writing style!

When I am not in the kitchen I am out riding my bike or hiking.



  1. Glad to meet you via WW and love that you love cookbooks,too! Thanks for the blog visit. Here's to many more wok adventures!

  2. I just posted another comment, but I have got to add....you and I are soul mates! I, too, am a cookbook addict. I, too, set the goal of cooking my way through Stir Fry to the Sky's Edge last January, and it was fun and successful. AND.....I, too, love to hike and have a hiking blog, Ihearthiking.blogspot.com.

    It is just so neat to come upon both of your wonderful blogs (and believe me, your hiking blog is great. Mine is just a way for me to keep track of hikes, really just for myself.) I look forward to reading future posts in both blogs.

  3. ciao! luvFAB blog.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog today to welcome me to TWD! I am a cookbook addict as well and I am shocking at only using a couple of recipes out of each book before starting to covet the next potential book for my collection. I look forward to checking out your recipes!

  5. Great blog! I'm too scared to count my cookbooks...

  6. Hi!

    I would like to invite you to check out our site mytaste.com. Adding your blog to our site will make your recipes available to many more users and help you get more visits to your blog. Our service is free and can you would be able to leave us any time.

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    I hope to see you there soon!


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