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Friday, June 12, 2015

TWD | Baking Chez Moi | Chocolate-Cherry Brownies

Tuesdays with Dorie baking through Baking Chez Moi
by Dorie Greenspan

Hello, deliciousness...

This is a pretty basic brownie recipe, aside from the addition of a little black pepper, extra chopped chocolate to stir in at the end, and dried cherries that have been reconstituted in simmering water and port (or another sweet wine), which I did not have either of, so I used a dark crème de cassis.

There was a lot of chatter about the recipe taking far longer to cook than the twenty-seven to twenty-nine minutes in a 325°F oven as instructed - so I set my oven at 350°F and they were done in twenty-five minutes, and were perfect.

These brownies turned out deliciously gooey, full of chocolate flavor, with a slight tartness from the cherries. They also were pretty sweet. I'm thinking next time I'll cut back on some of the sugar.

These were really, really good. I made sure hubby took them to work the next day so I wouldn't pig out on them - which I definitely would have.

Well, I went into work two days later, and there were still some left over?!! How can that be? So of course I had to try another one (or two, maybe three... um yeah..) to see how they fared two days later. They were not as gooey, a bit more dense, fudge like - so very good still! I don't think the guys cared for the cherries... oh well, their loss, my gain - literally, unfortunately.

We have been asked not to post the recipes here on our blogs. You can find the recipe on page 322 of Baking Chez Moi.

You can check out my fellow baker's results, by clicking here for a list of their links.


  1. Your brownies look great! With the crisp top crust and very moist gooey crumbs! These were well-received in my house too! Lucky you to have some hidden leftovers to enjoy! Mine was all gone by the second day!

  2. These do look good, and your choice of cassis for the cherries is inspired. As I said to Kathy B, I usually like all my brownies and chocolate unadorned, but I can almost taste these cherries! Have a great weekend, Cathleen! ~ David

  3. The fruit and chocolate taste bud seems very specific. They look as if they turned out absolutely perfect.

  4. Your brownies look great! I cut mine small so I could nibble all day long!

  5. Oh wow...beautiful brownies and presentation. After eating the entire pan of these i decided i did not really love the cherries in them! But they were good for a change of pace.

  6. I have never met guys who would turn down any type of brownie-- also, they look perfect!!

  7. They look perfect. I can't believe there were leftovers! There certainly wouldn't have been if the plate had been in front of me.

  8. I made 3/4 without cherries so my family would eat them! Gorgeous photos!!!

  9. I made 3/4 without cherries so my family would eat them! Gorgeous photos!!!

  10. I here you on the gain issue. It has been much harder to maintain my weight being in a baking group but it is so much fun. We enjoyed these chocolaty goodness and would make again.

  11. Wow. These would be gone by lunchtime in my office. Your husband's co-workers have some discipline! I froze about half of these, and am still enjoying them straight from the freezer.


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