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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

TWD | Baking Chez Moi | Marquise au Chocolat

Tuesdays with Dorie baking through Baking Chez Moi
by Dorie Greenspan

This weeks installment is Marquise au Chocolat; a chocolate mousse. Dorie's version is frozen. I have made chocolate marquise in the past, and reviewing other recipes, this is the only one that I have come across that is frozen.

Dorie mentions this is exceedingly practical, for you can use what you need for one occasion, and keep the rest in the freezer for the next celebration (should it happen within a month or so). 

The recipe actually calls for the chocolate marquise to be molded into a standard loaf pan, and is served in fairly thick slices and adorned to your liking, if at all.

I had come across this cool idea for a chocolate doily, and just could not pass up the opportunity to make one myself. So fun!

I formed the chocolate mousse using ring molds that I had purchased for another dessert, that I made for an Oscar party a few years ago (it too, just so happened to be a chocolate tricolor mousse).

And, being I had some melted chocolate left over, I made this version.

This dessert when completed, is basically a blank canvass - you can decorate it to your hearts content; as I did here, or just with a dusting of cocoa powder, or my original idea, when I thought I was going to make the loaf pan form, I was going to put a line of chocolate leaves down the middle, dotted with raspberries. I also think that a tart raspberry sauce swirled on the bottom of the plate would be nice addition.

Your options are truly limitless. Let your imagination run wild!

If you would like to make a chocolate doily, or a chocolate wrap-around, click here for an awesome tutorial by Julia M. Usher of Recipes for a Sweet Life.

Note: Dorie's recipe does not use cooked egg yolks. If you do not have a trusted source for organic eggs as Dorie suggests, or just feel uncomfortable using raw eggs, click here for instructions for an egg-safe alternative.

I halved the recipe and it yielded seven ample servings (the dessert is on the rich side - small portions are a good thing here). The dimensions of the ring molds I used are 1-3/4 inches x 2 inches.

Do head over to the Tuesdays with Dorie website and look for the LYL link to see how my co-bakers styled their Marquise au Chocolate!

It is the rule of TWD not to share the recipe on our blogs. You will find the recipe on page 357 of Baking Chez Moi.


  1. This looks amazing, love the doily idea, thank your for posting the link.

    1. Thank you. Hope you get a chance to try it yourself - it was a lot of fun!

  2. Wow you have excellent chocolate skills, I am so impressed. I agree small portions of this rich dessert. This was a hit in my house and I plan on serving the rest for Valentine's Day.

  3. Beautiful. Just beautiful. It would be such a lovely Valentine's Day dessert wouldn't it? We loved it at my house but mine did not turn out quite as pretty as yours!!

    1. Thanks, Peggy! Perfect for V-Day, or any occasion really. Loved the simplicity of this, and that it can be made ahead.

  4. I am absolutely amazed by what your have accomplished. It is so beautiful, I would not even consider
    thinking along those lines. Mine is strictly just cooking with Dorie, which is fun and enjoying every minute.

    1. Thanks, Nana. I just happened to come across this idea while surfing around. Could not resist to give it a try.

  5. Okay, you win. Absolutely, no doubt about it, you win. This is all gorgeous.

  6. Cathleen, This is just the most gorgeous presentation I’ve seen! An absolutely beautiful way to serve this incredible mousse! I agree with Kayte, you win! Lol! I love the idea of the chocolate doily! Thanks for the link! Happy Tuesday!

    1. Thanks, Kathy. It was a lot of fun to make. I hope you will give it a try yourself!

  7. Gorgeous presentations! I really must try my hand at that doily....thank you for the link.

    1. Thanks, Zosia! Hope you have as much fun as I did, making it.

  8. Oh my gosh, I loooove that lace doily! I had to check to see if it was actually chocolate or something else. I think your presentation is the best by far, and there are some fabulous cooks in our group! Really love that doily.

  9. Wow Cathy!!! Beautiful work with the doilies! Perfect for Valentine's day. I love the ring mold idea too.

  10. Oh my gosh…I LOVE your chocolate doily!! Your picture is just amazing. Thanks for the instructions on cooking the egg yolks. I sat this one out since I did not feel comfortable using raw eggs and didn't know what to replace it with.

  11. Beautiful! Looks like it came right from a bakery's case ;)

  12. Wow, love your stunning presentation! The choc doilies looks so pretty!

  13. Your marquis is so pretty - the chocolate doily is a great idea.

  14. Stunningly beautiful! Really, you have outdone yourself. I think serving it on that doily has to be one of the most gorgeous presentations I have seen. A tour de force! (I would seriously be afraid to cook for you!) Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day with the Mr.! xox

    1. Thank you, David! I can quite easily say the same about cooking for you! I hope the two of you had a wonderful V-Day as well. :)

  15. woah--gorgous lacework! you have some serious skills (and a steady hand!).

    1. Thanks, Steph. Not sure about the steady hand bit - if you look real close...

  16. Wow, that is a spectacular presentation! Beautiful marquise and doily for it to rest atop!


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