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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

TWD: Chocolate-Mint Nightcaps

Tuesdays with Dorie baking through Baking with Julia
by Dorie Greenspan
Contributing Baker: Marcel DeSaulniers

Ahh, I was so looking forward to making these!! Chocolate mint ganache, sandwiched between two chocolate cookies, and topped with even more ganache (to resemble a nightcap).

These treats are small, and are meant to be eaten with your fingers. However, a fork may have been better, for the cookies are like a small moist sponge cake, that stick to the tips of your fingers, and are quite messy.

These were a bust for me. The chocolate mint ganache had no mint flavor to it all. I should have went with my instinct to infuse the cream for a longer time - at least an hour, as I do when I make ice cream. It also was too firm to pipe. Well, it was perfect when I pulled it from the fridge, but as it sat out on the counter, while I baked my last set of cookies, it firmed up even more! I had to place the bowl of ganache over a waterbath to soften it back up. Unfortunately, the ganache was not as smooth after doing so.

I felt the cookies were too light for the heavy ganache. I'm thinking maybe brownies would work better, or maybe even meringue cookies for more of a textural difference.

I only made a few for the photo - the rest of the cookies are in the freezer, waiting for a recipe that calls for cake crumbs - they'll probably end up in the trash though. And the extra ganache? Who knows. Would hate to throw out all that good chocolate. Maybe I can make truffles with it, or stir it in to warm milk for hot cocoa. (It would be a lot of cocoa!)

To view how my fellow bakers fared with this recipe, click here to be taken to the TWD blogroll for their links.


  1. Too bad they weren't that good because they look delicious!

  2. Agree with you on this one- a bust! Bummer.

  3. What a shame! You photo is gorgeous, so my expectations were high... Maybe the ganache would be good for filling mint macarons?

    1. I'm sure it would, David! Macarons are on my future to-make list. :)

  4. MMMM - stir it into hot chocolate! That gets my vote :-)

  5. That's a bummer! I'm glad I ran out of time! Your photo makes them look delicious!

  6. I was tempted to try these as I like mint, but am glad I didn't. Your photo is great even if the cookies were a bust.

  7. My sentiments exactly. These were a bust. Too bad. The description sounded so delicious, and I love chocolate and mint.


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