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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Book 113: The Silver Palate Good Times Cookbook | Sunny Baked Eggs

by Julee Rosso & Sheila Lukins

We've been pretty stagnant in the breakfast arena; eggs on winter wheat toast or English muffin, with some fruit on the side a few times a week, and oatmeal and fruit on the other days. Mornings I do not get up early to make breakfast, Andy will make himself toast and peanut butter and I'll have cereal. It has been this way for the  l o n g e s t  time.

I'm always on the look out for something new for breakfast, and was excited to come across this recipe.

I gave this a trial run when I was on my own for breakfast. It's super easy to make - you can even make them on your busy weekday mornings if you have the (very little) prep work done the night before - chopping some parsley, mincing a little ham, and cubing a little Brie; and feel free to change up the ingredients to your liking - your favorite herb or cheese, and if you don't eat meat, omit it. This is a very versatile dish.

It only takes about twenty minutes in the oven to bake - actually less in my oven. I meant to check on them at about fifteen minutes in, and I got busy on the computer, and well, you know how that goes... and my eggs were overcooked - they were fine... I just prefer my yolks on the runny side, not firm.

This recipe is similar to the one I made years ago for Mother's Day brunch, a little more work, but very impressive to say the least.

These will have rerun in our house. I think Andy will like them - especially if I replace the ham with mushrooms, and switch out the Brie with maybe some smoked cheddar or Gruyère.. oh the possibilities.

Sunny Baked Eggs
Serves 1

1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
1½ tablespoons minced ham (I cut mine into ¼ cubes.)
1½ tablespoons cubed Brie
2 eggs
1 tablespoon heavy whipping cream
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1.     Preheat oven to 400°F.
2.     For each serving, toss the parsley, ham, and Brie together in a 3-inch-wide ramekin. Break the eggs over the ham mixture and drizzle the cream over the eggs. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
3.     Place the ramekins in a baking pan and pour hot water into the pan (I place the baking pan on the oven rack first, then add the hot water) to come 1 inch up the ramekins. Bake 15 to 20 minutes, depending on how set you want the eggs. Serve immediately.

Silver Palate Good Times Cookbook/Julee Rosso & Sheila Lukins


  1. Beautiful and it sounds amazing. I love that it's so simple to put together!

  2. Cathleen, this is such a very pretty presentation and how very nice to see some lovely breakfast fare on a blog!
    Hope you had a great long weekend!

  3. I love the Silver Palate cookbooks...they've never steered me wrong. I know that Bill would love this breakfast. We, too, are stuck in a rut!!!

  4. It's too bad the picture doesn't match the recipe. The recipe calls for a 3 inch wide ramekin. The picture shows an oval baking dish, not a 3 inch wide ramekin. Why? The recipe is borrowed from a 20 year old cookbook. So why not take the trouble of making the eggs according to the directions in the recipe and then taking a picture of the finished product so readers can see what the dish will look like.


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