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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

WW: Hong Kong-Style Mango Ginger Chicken

Wok Wednesdays wokking through Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge
by Grace Young

When I saw this recipe on the schedule, excitement ensued. I love mangoes! Especially the manila mango which I used here. They must be the same type that Grace mentions in her book, her favorite being the ataulfo mango, for they too are buttery, and sweeter than the typical large red/orange mango you find in the local grocery store.

 manila mango

As you can see I once again switched out the green bell pepper for red. I am not very fond of the green bell; though I do use it when I make chili. I also mistakenly purchased skinless-boneless chicken thighs instead of breasts out of habit. We eat a lot of grilled chicken and prefer the more tender, moister, thigh meat over breast.

However, you will never have dry, tough, chicken breasts in any of your stir-fries again if you follow Grace's recipe for velveted chicken. Your meat is marinated in egg white, cornstarch, rice wine, and oil, and after a thirty minute chill in the refrigerator, it is par-boiled for a very short time in oiled water. It's an amazing process - you won't believe how tender and moist this makes the chicken.

You can read all about velvet stir-frying on page one-hundred of her book. This process not only works on chicken, but shrimp, scallops, beef, and pork as well. If you don't already have this fabulously awesome cookbook, you'll want to purchase a copy soon and give this technique a try, as well as stir-frying up other delicious recipes she shares.

The only change I would make the next time I make this, is to add extra red pepper flakes - I like my dishes on the spicy side.

Wok on my friends...

Success meter (1-3): 3

This deliciousness is comprised of ginger, garlic, red onion, bell pepper, chicken, salt, chicken broth, soy sauce, red pepper flakes, rice wine, cornstarch, and delectable mango.

One of the rules of the Wok Wednesdays group is we are asked not to post the recipes here on our blog. If you would like the recipe, you will find it on page 124 in Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge, which you can purchase at your local bookstore or find it at your local library. I highly recommend purchasing the book - you won't be disappointed. 

Wok Wednesdays is an online cooking group. If you would like to join us or just want more information, click here or visit us on Facebook.


  1. Beautiful! I love the red pepper. I had the same idea about the chili flakes. I will definitely make this again.

  2. from Convivial Cook:

    Beautiful photos! Blogspot seems to allow the photos to be larger and sharper than WordPress. Mine started out very sharp, but softened in WordPress's software. Your photos are bright, sharp, well-composed. Very pretty. I plan to increase the chili flakes next time also. I nearly doubled them this time because I usually do, but decided to try to cook it Grace's way.


  3. This sounds and looks like a wonderful dish! I will keep the ingredients and spices in mind for my next tofu plate.

  4. I have never had a manila mango but it sounds delicious. Your chicken looks wonderful! Wok on is what I should do! Every time I see your Wednesday post I swear I'm going to join in.....

  5. I love the sound of these favours - now I just have to wait for mango season to come around :)


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