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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

TWD: Whole Wheat Loaves

Tuesdays with Dorie baking through Baking with Julia
by Dorie Greenspan
Contributing baker: Craig Kominiak

Bread. Knead I say more? (Yeah - I do.)

We are a bread loving family; we eat more than we should. I was looking forward to making this loaf, especially after reading that a fellow blogger loves this bread so much, she recently made seven loaves to freeze!

This bread is good... Toasted. It made great toast to go with my morning coffee, and made a tasty toasted open-faced tomato sandwich. Unfortunately if you don't make your everyday sandwiches the day this bread is made they're not going to be so great.

I did not care for the sandwich I made on my last hike where I made a PB&J (a must have when you are hiking!) because the bread was really dry. Good thing our hike was only four miles and I did not eat said sandwich till after I got home; I would have been quite disappointed up on a hill, famished, pulling out, what I think is a great pick-me-up, to find a dried, almost choking (OK maybe not that bad - but you get the idea) PB&J sandwich.

If you are into eating toast rather than sandwiches - this is the loaf to make! When toasted it is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside; makes a good base for a poached egg!

Success meter (1-3): 2

The yeast is creamy looking and ready!

That is one clean bowl!
Never did need to scrape the sides down.

Form the dough into a ball.

Let it rise...

Punch the dough down.
(I got a little overzealous on the punching - it's fun.)

Turn out the dough and cut in half.

Shape your loaves.

Let it rise again.

Beautiful rise.

Bread is ready when instant read thermometer reaches 200°.
(Close enough for me.)

Makes great toast!

I prefer Cheddar for this "sandwich" but I had some
Jack in the fridge I needed to use up.

If you would like the recipe, visit our hosts for the week:

Don't forget to check out the LYL link for my fellow blogger's take on this recipe.


  1. Beautiful job on the photos...like the melted cheese over the tomato...now, I want one! :)


  2. Great photos! I agree, this bread needs to be toasted. But toasted it's great!

  3. Nice knuckle prints.
    Yes - this was a toasting bread, for sure. (It was also good as the bread filler in salmon patties)

  4. Haha I love your punching picture! Also, I think toasting sounds great. I'll have to try it!

  5. Great photos and very tasty looking sandwiches.
    I agree, PB&J on a hike is a must :)

  6. Wonderful! I agree that it gets a little dry after the first day, but it is great for toast and grilled cheese and all hat good stuff.

  7. Nice process photos. Ours didn't last long enough to find out if it was dry!

  8. Your step-by-step pics are great! This bread was made for things like tomatoes and cheese.

  9. Great presentation. The joys of baking with gluten flour. :-) Impossible to duplicate gluten free, but we nevertheless tried.

  10. I want a tomato and cheese sandwich ... oh, you are so naughty for tempting me :) Blessings, Catherine www.praycookblog.com

  11. Wasn't the toadting phenomenon of a crunchy outside and soft inside unusual? I loved this bread.

  12. I agree that the recipe's on the dry side. I added 1/2 cup more water, which is a lot but got a moist crumb that way. You have to bake longer though.

  13. Your process pics are great & I love how you shaped the dough by folding it. You turned out a lovely bit of bread there.

  14. I love this bread for toast. And now reading your blog, I am interested to see what my second loaf is like when I cut into it tomorrow morning. At least it will be toast-worthy. Your loaf looks great!

  15. Your loaf is absolutely beautiful! I think your rating of a 2 is spot on. This bread was great on a sandwich but when I took a bite with nothing else it was just eh. just okay. I wish mine had been as pretty as yours though. I am so vain it probably would have tasted better to me. ;)

  16. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, gave me a chance to find yours! I agree, this was best as toasted or toasted cheese sandwiches...I will probably never be a true whole wheat flour bread fan. I did like the flavor of this one, however, the malt and honey were lovely. Your bread looks so beautiful, inside and out and the process photos are great!!


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