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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

TWD: Gruyère Popovers

Tuesdays with Dorie baking through Baking with Julia
by Dorie Greenspan
Recipe contributed by Marion Cunningham

This weeks recipe was to make plain and simple popovers. I have never had a popover before. Plain, crispy, hollow popovers were not sounding so appealing, so I chose to add Gruyère cheese to the top of the batter before placing into the oven.

Since I have not had great results with the recipes from this book, I did a Google search for Gruyére Popovers and decided to go with this way of making them, still using Marion's ingredients, with the addition of cheese.

The aroma wafting through the kitchen as I sit and type this, is once again heavenly. If these taste as good as they smell and look so far, these are going to be awesome!

O.M.G. These are fabulous!!!

Success meter (1-3): 3+

How can so few ingredients turn
into such deliciousness.

Left one plain - only because I ran out of cheese.
 (well laziness won over ~ did not want to shred more.)

Oh the excitement!!!

The plain popover poofed up higher - but the ones
with cheese made these to die for.
I covered the rolls with foil for the last ten minutes
of cooking to keep them from browning too much.

Cheesy goodness.

Beautiful. No need for a fancy popover pan.

Perfect inside.

Excellent dinner once again.
The popover was bigger than the chicken!
The salad was simple and tasty too.
You can find the recipe for the salad here.

To get this simple popover recipe visit our host's sites:
Paula of Vintage Kitchen Notes and Amy of Bake With Amy

Check out my fellow bloggers posts for their versions of this recipe.
Look for the LYL: Popovers post over at Tuesdays with Dorie.


  1. Those remind me of Gougères - lovely!

  2. Gruyère is one of my favourite cheese and I don't even live that far away from the original "La Gruyère"(ihih: Switzerland is so small that you live close to everywhere!).
    Your popover turned out beautifully. I've made some sweet and some cheesy (Grana cheese) adding some rosemary and spices...
    This recipe is a winner!

  3. This sounds absolutely delicious! I should try this on my next go through!

  4. I love the idea of putting cheese on them. Looks delicious.

  5. The gruyere version looks great & looks perfect next to that chicken and the salad.
    The popover recipe that I have had the most success with is the one from King Arthur Flour (I am pretty sure it's on their website). Deb @ Smitten Kitchen has done a few that I have liked as well _ especially the one with corn and chives).

    1. It's been awhile since I have been over at Smitten Kitchen. I'll check those out ~ thanks!

  6. Cheese, especially gruyere, are a great addition. They look just the way I like them, with the cheese making an incredible crust on top. Great job!

  7. I wondered if the addition of other ingredients would "mess up" the recipe! It's great to see the addition of cheese works well. Thanks for being adventurous and trying it! :)

    1. I wondered myself and did a google search before trying. I did not add the cheese to the batter itself, just to the top. They turned out great!

  8. Holy cow... a 3+ on the success meter? I'll have to try these again with the Gruyère. Thanks for the great idea!

  9. Cathleen, the popovers with cheese look like utter deliciousness! Wonderful idea!

    Have a good week!

  10. Looks & sounds amazing! I still have to make mine after work today :-)

  11. Cathleen, Perfectly beautiful popovers…love the addition of the cheese! Great idea!

  12. gruyere cheese makes anything wonderful!! We loved these, can't wait to try them with cheese.

  13. Next time, I am adding cheese! These look wonderful!

  14. OMG! Those look heavenly. Gruyere cheese is on my grocery list for this week.

  15. What a great idea making these with cheese. Mine turned out good but I baked them too long.

  16. Lovely post. We also made some using cheddar and parmesan with chives. Absolutely delicious.

  17. Well, Cathleen, I am positively and totally impressed. For some reason, you seem to have thought from the get-go that Popovers are simple to make. Listen, they are not. They are temperamental, do not like to be disturbed and covered with foil, which means you opened the door and peeked. That's a No! No! To rub further salt into my three-batches-with-no-real-success experience, you didn't even use a popover pan which are very expen$ive. Your popovers look so good. I wish I could reach right into the computer screen and pluck one out to eat. I'm going the Gruyere-route next time. Very well-done. Hooray.

  18. I will be making it with cheese next time...mouth-watering photos....


  19. What a great idea! I think the eggy taste mine had would have gone well with the cheese!
    They look great!

  20. Oooh, love the addition of cheese!

  21. Glad to see adding cheese didn't change the pop character of popovers!

  22. very nice! this makes them like gougeres (basically cream puffs with cheese folded in). I always wondered if you could add cheese to popovers successfully. hmmm... now I think I'll try with fruit!

  23. I thought these would go very well with an addition of cheese, but I made them plain. Glad to see cheese improved them, but doesn't cheese tend to do that? Thanks for the tip. They look delicious.

  24. The cheese on the top is a great idea - I've incorporated herbs into other popovers I've made but the thought of that crusty brown cheese is mouthwatering. Popovers are so fun to make!

  25. I think it's great that you tried these with cheese. I love Gruyere and will have to try it out next time:)

  26. I really like the cheese idea. They're so pretty and I'm sure they were delicious!

  27. MmMmMmMM gruyere is sooo good. I'll have to try that next time. i added cheese inside one of my batches and it was sooo good. Totally making me hungry right now!

  28. Do you think it would work out if the cheese is mixed into the batter? Great idea to add Gruyere!

    1. I'm not sure... it may make the batter to heavy to rise properly? Just adding the cheese to the top made them not poof as high as the one plain popover I made.

  29. Cheesy sounds yummy! Next time I definitely want to add cheese to mine.

  30. Seriously, you have the most delicious looking popovers of any I have seen. Yum. I could lick the computer screen! My mouth waters...

  31. WOW a 3+ !!! I definitely have to try it with gruyere. Thanks for the inspiration!

  32. Oh, your popovers are extraordinary!!! I'm adding Gruyere to my next batch!!!!


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