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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Fresh Corn Ravioli with Herb Cream Sauce

             I found this recipe over at Love and Olive Oil. Make sure
             to check out this blog for more delicious sounding recipes
             and gorgeous photos.

These are quick, easy, and fun to make! I finally got to use my pasta attachment for my Kitchenaid mixer which I purchased many, many, moons ago! So long ago that the plastic strip on the bottom had little cracks in it; mind you this has never ever been used. I orginally purchased it to make chocolate ribbons from modeling chocolate - something I never did get around to.

Kitchenaid makes a ravioli attachment as well. This I do not have, nor do I have the fancy ravioli gadget that was used by Lindsey over at Love and Olive Oil. Instead I used a good old ribbed cookie/biscuit cutter and they turned out just as pretty.

Fresh pasta is so much better than dried pasta that we buy in the store - I just never realized how much better until I made these; and you can make it on the spur of the moment. It takes no time at all and I'm sure you have all the ingredients on hand: flour, salt, eggs and water. And if you don't have a pasta machine you can always roll it out with a rolling pin - just make sure to roll it out really thin.

I was happy to find this recipe, for Ashley, our daughter, is a vegetarian and she was home to stay with us for a few days. I picked up fresh corn from our local (and last) farm here in suburbia. I'll be so sad when the day comes when this farm ceases to exist. They have the sweetest, bestest corn on the planet!

Mangini Farms

As Ash said, the ravioli tastes fresh and light. The cream sauce was not heavy at all; it comes across with a bright, delicate flavor that compliments the ravioli perfectly.

Success meter (1-3): 3

You start out with the paddle attachment..

..then switch to the hook.

Pretty cool, huh?

The filling.

I do not recommend flouring and folding. They stuck
together and I had to run them through the roller again.

My corn was very milky. I let the filling drain
in the fridge while I made the pasta sheets.

Next time (and there will be!) I will mark the dough
with the cutter for placement of the filling.

The first batch I forgot to wet the edges to seal.
So I crimped the edges with a fork.

For the recipe head on over to Love and Olive Oil.


  1. That looks just lovely - the process photos are great, too. A new use for fresh corn is always welcome at this time of year.


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