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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

TWD: Oasis Naan

Baking with Julia by Dorie Greenspan
Contributing Baker: Jeffrey Alford & Naomi Duguid

                                                Oasis Naan

Why do I do this to myself? Thinking I can not only blog one, but two recipes (I decided to write up tonight's salad as well), and go to the grocery store after my bike ride (45 miles) which always leaves me done for. Because I can? Not efficiently.
My plan was to add some chopped garlic & cilantro to half of the dough before rising but I ran out of time. I made two of the naans as instructed with green onion and a dash of ground cumin (I did not have seeds) and two I topped with melted butter and chopped garlic - completely forgot about adding the cilantro that I chopped up while the dough was rising.

I really do enjoy making and baking bread. The scent of fresh baked bread filling the entire house is eternal bliss. And the naan is no exception, it smelled heavenly, browned up beautifully and had wonderful flavor; the garlic being our favorite. Unfortunately it was not as soft as I like my naan. As you can see in the picture one out of the four did not puff up; it was rock hard. The other three turned out like pita breads and like pita, dry.

I'm not sure if I added too much flour during the kneading process or if I kneaded it too long. I kneaded the dough for maybe 10-12 minutes. I only had two cups bread flour which I made up the difference with all-purpose flour. Maybe that had something to do with it? I just don't know. I still have four balls of dough in the freezer - not sure if I want to attempt making them again. We will see.

Success meter (1-3): 2

The instructions say to prick the dough with a dough stamp;
a tool with nail-like spikes in concentric circles. I think this
would have worked well if I had pricked the dough before
sprinkling with water. I ended up using a fork.

Baking away..

Butter & Garlic: Yummm!

Should you be so inclined to try this yourself visit our host's sites for the recipe:

To see other variations (which there always are!) check out the other baker's sites from the
Tuesdays with Dorie baking group.

Join the fun! 
Go buy the book at your
 local independent bookseller
 or on-line!


  1. I love your pics and the garlic idea.
    I did add some extra taste to mine, too and
    I've found them so delicious that I will make them again, for sure.

    1. Thank you. I will give them try again for we do love naan. And as I said these had great flavor, just poor texture. Operator error I'm sure!

  2. Sorry your naan didn't turn out like you hoped! How odd. Did it rise long enough, or too long? Mine rose a lot (3 hours) but it still turned out well. Yours looks tasty anyway!

    1. I let it rise about the same as you. I'll give it another shot soon.

  3. The pictures show some great naan, and Ilike the melted butter idea. Too bad they didn´t fill your expectations, they sure do look perfect! My dough was very wet and still they were chewy. Maybe it was too much flour.

  4. Isn't it the taste that counts?

    I had to do some stretch and fold cycles to handle the dough

    Ulrike @Küchenlatein

  5. It sounds like mine turned out like yours--dry and kind of hard. I want to try to make naan again, but with a different recipe. Dan Lepard's recipe in Short and Sweet looks promising.

  6. The naan look lovely. My dough turned out a bit sticky, but the end product was great. Your bean dish looks yummy.

  7. Sorry you didn't love it, but it still looks good at least!

  8. What a shame you didn't really enjoy it, as Sara says it still looks great :)

  9. They look nice and fluffy.
    Sorry this wasn't a hit for you :-(

  10. You certainly invested a lot of time and effort in your naan making and took great pictures in the process! They look delicious to me!

    Have a good week!

  11. They look really good and I liked the idea of the garlic and butter. Maybe the next one will be better?

  12. I love what you paired it with!

  13. using ap flour instead of bread flour shouldnt have affected it that much, tends to make for a softer bread like using cake flour instead of ap flour for cookie recipes... sounds like overkneading and possibly too much flour in total... I would try the other ones again and make sure to really proof them well to relax the gluten a bit and if it still comes out tough, then toss the rest and start over.

  14. The bubbling garlic looks soooo good. What a great idea! I must try!

  15. It looks great! I am not sure what it's supposed to be like so I am excited to try some other recipes and compare.

  16. Mmmm.....butter and garlic! Great idea!

  17. I am sorry that they did not end up being quite right for you, but I love the butter and garlic! I am definitely trying that one!

  18. Sorry these didn’t come out the way you thought they should! They do look perfect! The garlic and butter one sounds yummy!

  19. Your photos and lighting are fabulous! Great idea of using the madolin slicer finger guard to poke holes...



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