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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Someone Likes Me! (well, my blog)

What a wonderful surprise it was when I opened up my email and found that I received my first blogger award! This award is given by other bloggers to say "hey I read and like your blog."

I received this award from Mireia of Baking in Spain. I encourage you to check out her blog for she is an awesome, talented baker herself. I love that she started posting in Spanish as well as English when she found out that her Spanish speaking grandparents were using Google translator to read her blog. Mireia comes across as a caring and compassionate person. I enjoy following her blog and I know you will too.

Thanks Mireia!

For details on this award click on the link below (continue for recipe...)
Official Rules:

  1. Add the award to your blog (✔)
  2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you (✔)
  3. Mention 7 random things about yourself (I'm hesitant to put personal info on the net)
  4. List the rules (✔)
  5. Award to 15 bloggers (TBD)
  6. Inform each of those 15 by leaving a comment on their blogs or on Facebook (See #5 above!)


  1. What a wonderful post :) I'm happy you liked the award :)

  2. Yes, holes in the cake would be a good idea. I remember my grandfather doing that for his pound cakes before the glaze. Congratulations on your award!


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