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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

TWD: Chocolate Truffle Tartlets

Baking with Julia: Contributing baker David Ogonowski

                         Chocolate Truffle Tart

I must say I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. I thought for sure these were going to be extremely rich and overly sweet which they were not. The tart has a crunchy, cocoa flavored crust and the filling came out with a moist brownie like texture with small chunks of white and milk chocolate and crunchy biscotti in the center. I think a drizzle of raspberry sauce would set this off and make it really pop!

The instructions require you to remove the bottom of the tart pan and place the ring directly on to a parchment covered cookie sheet. I have made several tarts over the years and have never done this and felt uncomfortable doing so and went with what I knew from past experience and placed my tart pan (with the bottom in!) directly on the oven rack. The crust turned out perfect.

I'm glad the notes mentioned that the dough breaks apart at times while rolling out (I think if you let it rest for about 30 minutes after you remove it from the refrigerator you can alleviate most of this - I was short on time.) for mine certainly did as you can see in the photos. I just went with the idea that it was an art project I was piecing together - like you would with clay; otherwise I would have been extremely frustrated.

As I bake I jot down notes on a list so I do not forget what I want to mention in my post. While writing this I am reading one note that my sister wrote down: "My sister had to wait a really long time for dessert while I shot (taking pictures) this." Funny Laura!! Hahaha!

Success meter (1-3): 3

Pastry scraps - could not stop eating...

Makeshift cookie sheet made from foil.

This is best served the day it is made.
Still good the next day; the flavor just
not as intense and the crust softer.

For the recipe go to Steph's, Jamie's, Spike's, and Jessica's pages; our hosts for the week.

(Only the hosts of the week are allowed to publish the recipe.)


  1. Kudos for making the dough by hand on the counter! And the little cookies were a very cute touch!

  2. Incredible pictures! I also leave my tart bottoms in place - always have, always will. Thanks for baking along with me this week.

  3. Love the pictures and the hearts on top, so cute!

  4. Love the detail in your post of each step!

    I really enjoyed making the dough on the table with my hands. I normally use gadgets for everything, so it was a great experience!

  5. I've got to try this - it looks so good. Who couldn't like a brownie in a tart?

  6. I really enjoyed making this recipe and loved how easy the dough came together! Looks delicious :)

  7. Love the little heart cookies! Glad you enjoyed the tarts. We did too.

  8. weren't these a delight to Bake ..... you tarts looks lovely specially the cute lil heart .... !!!!!

  9. Haha, I ate alot of the chocolate bits too and had to keep chopping away to have enough for the tarts :) How exciting, talk about a "chef's treat!"

    Alice @ http://acookingmizer.wordpress.com

  10. Your pictures tell a wonderful story- an incredible tart for sure! May I please request a copy of your choc. ganache recipe that you mentioned from Cocolat? I would love to try it!

  11. Nice photos and presentation.


  12. YOur tart looks great! I love the little hearts!

  13. Wow you mixed by hand! Very impressive!!


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