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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TWD: white loaves

Never would I have thought that plain white bread could smell so heavenly.

I sent a message to my sister that the bread was out of the oven and she could come get it. I expected her to say she would pick it up tomorrow when she came for dinner; but she texted to say she was on her way! As I was wrapping it up for her, she said not to bother for she would tear into it as soon as she got home. She was not kidding... she texted a short time later to say that it was yummy, and her son who has a limited palate said it was great!

I was going to wait until tomorrow to slice this wonderful, scrumptious smelling loaf to make egg salad sandwiches; for there is nothing better than fresh (store bought - before this post!) white bread for egg salad. However, Andy could not wait and had to have a slice at dinner with his soup.

I have to admit - this is good. Why would anyone want to buy store bought bread is beyond me. I know... time. It may sound time consuming, but really it is very simple, and you probably have all the ingredients except maybe the yeast in your cupboard.

Give baking a loaf a try; I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Success meter (1-3): 3

This is the creamiest my yeast has ever looked.

I'd say my dough has doubled.

A bit lopsided...

Second rise.

Indentation remained as it should!

Ready for the oven.

I prefer my crust to be soft rather
than crispy, which this is.

Makes wonderful toast.

Fresh bread ~ a must-have for egg salad.

For the recipe go to Jules page!


  1. Your loaves are so lovely! I was shocked at how much I loved this bread; I haven't had much white bread over the last 5 years or so and I don't remember store-bought loaves being particularly tasty. This, I couldn't stop eating though! And you're absolutely right, it's so easy there's no reason to buy store-bought bread.

    1. Thank you Tierney. Also thank you for updating my link on the twd website. For some reason it did not post at the scheduled time.

  2. Your loaves are gorgeous! Loved all the pictures.

  3. Terrific photos! Don't you love it when someone is impatient to eat your creations - I hate waiting to find out if they enjoyed it or not. Looking forward to reading more of your posts through BWJ!

  4. Hi from a fellow TWD baker!

    Great loaves, and great photos, especially of your finished (yummy) products. Mmmmmm!

  5. Amazing photos.

    I'd swear we made different recipes!

    Looks great!

  6. Excellent photos! So glad you enjoyed the bread.

  7. Great photos and great looking bread. I don't think my loaves are that pretty! I also really like your marble board you used to role out your dough...I might have to get me one of those! :)

  8. Your bread looks perfect - I agree, it smelled heavenly while it was baking!

    I also noticed you made Buckeyes from Baked - I belong to a group called Baked Sunday Mornings that bakes from that book every other week. Check it out - if you're interested, we'd love to have you!

    1. Thanks for the invite Susan! I don't know how you all do more than one baking group at a time; I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed just trying to read everyone's blogs and replying to comments!

  9. Your pictures are great! I smiled because I was so happy that my bread looked like your bread during the stages, EXCEPT when it came to the triangle. I had to stop rolling and just hand pat it. I have no rolling skills. I am going to get me a scraper. They look handy and nice! Happy Baking!

    1. Thanks for the nice complement. The scaper is my most used item in my kitchen. I cook a lot and it is handy to transfer chopped items (onion, garlic, veggies)to the pan. Happy baking to you!

  10. It's always a good feeling when people like what you made :-)
    I started making my own bread a few years ago and I think the people in my house are a little put off if a loaf of store bread finds its way into the house. There's something about homemade...

  11. great looking bread and photos

  12. Now I'm going to have to make egg salad!

  13. Very nice! I know that each time I bake a successful loaf of bread, I wonder why I don't bake it more often. So good!

  14. There's something so satisfying about baking your own bread. Your photo makes me crave an egg salad sandwich.

  15. Great photos and wonderful rise on that dough!

  16. Delicious looking toast! I unfortunately ate all my bread too quickly to try making any. Maybe next time :)

  17. Wow, your bread really looks spectacular! Nicely done! I love all of your photos!

    1. Jennifer,

      Are you baking along with us? Do you have a blog up? I'm unable to see yours if you do.

  18. Gorgeous loaves...I often wonder why I don't bake my own bread more often either! :)


  19. This bread is so much better than store-bought! Love all your photos.


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