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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Book Forty-Eight: Gordon Ramsay's Healthy Appetite

by Gordon Ramsay

          Sweet Potato Frittata with Tomato Salsa

I so wanted to rave about this dish! Not just because of my love for sweet potatoes, or this dish being healthy and uber easy, but beautiful!!!- we do feast with our eyes first!! However the flavor was just not there. Maybe kick it up a notch with some more fresh herbs, or add salt and pepper to the egg - definitely needs something.

I love his instuctions of handful of this, half of that, until I got to: add one shallot, minced. I don't know about you, but in my market the shallots range greatly in size. My one shallot produced about 2 tablespoons minced. Maybe I needed more to up the flavor.

Success meter: (1-3): 2

Not romas - but vine-ripened nonetheless!
Thanks Mr. T!!

Why a picture of oil in the pan you ask?
Because it's cool - this my inner artist coming out.

Sweet Potato Frittata with Tomato Salsa
Serves 2

1 large sweet potato, about 7-8 oz
1 Tbl olive oil
1 shallot, peeled and minced
Sea salt and black pepper
4 large eggs
Small handful of chives, finely snipped

Tomato Salsa:

8 oz vine-ripened plum tomatoes
2 green onions, trimmed and thinly sliced on the diagonal
handful of cilantro leaves, chopped
juice of ½ lemon
3 Tbl extra-virgin olive oil
1 Tbl sesame oil
dash of Tabasco sauce
pinch of sugar (optional)

To make the salsa, halve or quarter the tomatoes and place in a large bowl. Add all the other ingredients and mix well, seasoning to taste with salt and pepper, and a pinch of sugar if you like. Set aside.

For the frittata, heat the broiler to its highest setting. Peel the sweet potato and cut into ½-inch cubes. Heat a nonstick omelet or skillet (suitable for use under the broiler) and add the olive oil. When hot, toss in the potato and shallot, and season well with salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat, turning occasionally, for about 4 to 5 minutes until the potatoes are just tender and lightly golden at the edges.

Lightly beat the eggs in a bowl, add the chives, and pour over the sweet potatoes. Shake the pan gently to distribute the ingredients and cook over low heat, without stirring, for a few minutes until the eggs beginning to set at the bottom and around the sides.

Place the pan under the hot broiler briefly until the top of the frittata has set. Try not to overcook the eggs or they will turn rubbery. Let stand for a minute, then run a heatproof plastic spatula around the sides of the pan and invert the frittata onto a large plate. Spoon the tomato salsa into a neat pile on top and serve immediately.

Gordon Ramsay’s Healthy Appetite

1 comment:

  1. My FAVORITE photo is your artistic oil. Could be framed in the kitchen! And the final product sure looks yummy.

    With regard to lemon cupcakes, I too have been on a search. I will dig up my latest recipe that satisfied my lemony desires. Liz


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