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Friday, July 15, 2011

A Bowl Full of Cherries

                             Cherry Clafouti

I should not be blogging, let alone cooking a dessert from Bon Appétit magazine when I'm not even halfway through my books of which the majority is in the baking genre. But last month's article on cherries, the photo of cherry clafouti, and a storage bin full of fresh cherries from Mangini Farms beckoned me to make this. I did attempt to find another clafouti recipe out of one of my books, but this one sounded the best.

It is my understanding some clafoutis have a cakelike batter or a custard/pudding batter, which this recipe falls under the latter. I found this to be rather bland - maybe I'm just not a big custard fan, for creme brulee always sounds so good and I'm always a bit disappointed that it too does not have more flavor; then again I do love flan... must be all that tasty caramel sauce! Perhaps this would be better with a little dash of nutmeg or cardamom.

I was ready to give this recipe a 2 rating until I received a text from a friend (who was the recipient of this dessert) saying "OMG Tres YUM"

Maybe she would like to gain a few extra pounds (which would do her no harm) and be a taste-tester for me; for food always tastes better when someone else makes it.

Success meter (1-3): 3

Pastry tool turned cherry pitter!

My springform pan is leaking!!!

Back into the bowl.
Must use cake pan instead.

For recipe click here or go to Bon Appetit dot com.

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